Priredio: M. S.
Luis Buñuel Portolés (Calanda, 22. februar 1900. – Ciudad de México, 29. juli 1983.)
“Mystery is the essential element of every work of art.”
(„Misterija je osnovni element svakog umjetničkog djela.“)
― Luis Buñuel
“Sometimes, watching a movie is a bit like being raped.”
(„Ponekad je gledanje filma pomalo nalik silovanju.“)
― Luis Buñuel, My Last Sigh
“A life without memory is no life at all.”
(„Život bez sjećanja uopće nije život.“)
― Luis Bunuel
Jesús Franco Manera (Madrid, 12. maj 1930. – Málaga, 2. april 2013.)
“I don't think I've made good movies. I've just made some movies more disgusting than others.”
(„Mislim da nisam napravio dobre filmove. Samo sam neke filmove napravio gadnijim od drugih.“)
― Jesús Franco Manera
“I don't care about being remembered. I'm not a wonderful writer or anything. This should be reserved for people who really did something great. I think it's a mistake to consider the movie director as if they were great artists.”
(„Nije me briga hoću li ostati upamćen. Nisam divan pisac ili bilo šta. To bi trebalo biti rezervisano za ljude koji su stvarno učinili nešto veliko. Mislim da je pogrešno smatrati režisera sjajnim umjetnikom.“)
― Jesús Franco Manera
“I don't like my movies. I prefer John Ford's movies. I've made some movies that are interesting, or that have some point, or are more or less beautiful. But I've never made anything big to me, from my point of view. "Big" like John Ford or someone of that kind. I say John Ford because he is my favorite director.”
(„Ne volim svoje filmove. Više volim filmove Johna Forda. Napravio sam neke filmove koji su zanimljivi, ili koji imaju određeni stav, ili su više ili manje lijepi. Ali sa svoje tačke gledišta nikad nisam napravio ništa veliko."Veliko" poput Johna Forda ili nekog takvog. Kažem John Ford, jer mi je omiljeni redatelj.“)
― Jesús Franco Manera
José Juan Bigas Luna (Barcelona, 19. mart 1946. – Riera de Gaià, Catalonia, 5. april 2013.)
“When I make a film, I don't want the symbolic interpretation of what I am doing, to be too obvious. I do think we have to be generous to the people going to the cinema, but I don't want to produce only pure entertainment either. But I don't want to be cryptic either. I think that to achieve a perfect highly symbolical story, the symbolical load has to be underneath. As something that is present, but that someone that has seen the film can say he has not noticed. That would be wonderful.”
(„Kad snimam film, ne želim da simbolično tumačenje onoga što radim bude previše očigledno. Mislim da moramo biti velikodušni prema ljudima koji idu u kino, ali ne želim proizvoditi ni samo čistu zabavu. Ali ne želim biti ni zagonetan. Mislim da za postizanje savršene visoko simbolične priče, simbolično opterećenje mora biti ispod. Kao nešto što je prisutno, ali da neko ko je gledao film može reći da nije primijetio. To bi bilo predivno.“)
― Bigas Luna
“Silence is the original. Words are the copy.”
(„Tišina je original. Riječi su kopija“)
― Bigas Luna
“I'm very keen on symbols, generally speaking. That's what I prefer in the process of film narration. I usually start working on a plot, and when the framework is ready, I begin a true speech of symbols.”
(„Jako volim simbole, općenito govoreći. To mi je najdraže u procesu filmskog narativa. Obično počnem raditi na sinopsisu, a kad je okvir spreman, započinjem pravi govor simbola.")
― Bigas Luna
Carlos Saura Atarés (Huesca, 4. januar 1932.)
“I can't separate cinema from my life. The two things are interrelated and enrich or impoverish each other.”
(„Ne mogu odvojiti film od svog života. Te dvije stvari su međusobno povezane i obogaćuju ili osiromašuju jedna drugu.“)
― Carlos Saura
“Under Franco we lived in a world where the police would raid your home and ask whether you read Kafka.”
(„Pod Francom smo živjeli u svijetu u kojem će policija izvršiti raciju u vašem domu i pitati jeste li čitali Kafku.“)
― Carlos Saura
“Franco took so long to die that we all had time to buy champagne. ”
(„Francu je trebalo toliko vremena da umre da smo svi imali vremena kupiti šampanjac.“)
― Carlos Saura
Alejandro Fernando Amenábar Cantos (Santiago, 31. mart 1972.)
“In horror movies today it's lots of fast cut shot and lots of loud noises on the soundtrack. I tried to do the opposite. Playing with silence for instance. ”
(„Danas u horor filmovima ima puno brzih kadrova i puno bučnih zvukova u soundtracku. Pokušao sam učiniti suprotno. Na primjer, igrati se s tišinom.“)
― Alejandro Amenabar
“My movies are not movies of answers but of questions. ”
(„Moji filmovi nisu filmovi odgovora već pitanja.“)
― Alejandro Amenabar
“In Hollywood you always feel a bit like a hake. The publicists march people up and down in front of you and they interview you... You feel like the turbot and the sea-bream go by, and you're the hake. ”
(„U Hollywoodu se uvijek pomalo osjećate poput oslića. Publicisti marširaju ljude gore i dolje ispred vas i intervjuiraju vas ... Osjećate se kao da iverak i orada prolaze, a vi ste oslić.“)
―Alejandro Amenabar
Pedro Almodóvar Caballero (Calzada de Calatrava, 24. septembar 1949.)
“All my movies are difficult to classify because they are very eclectic in mixing genres.”
(„Sve moje filmove je teško klasificirati, jer su vrlo eklektični u miješanju žanrova.“)
― Pedro Almodovar
“I don't want to imitate life in movies; I want to represent it. And in that representation, you use the colors you feel, and sometimes they are fake colors. But always it's to show one emotion.”
(„Ne želim imitirati život u filmovima; Želim ga zastupati. A u tom predstavljanju koristite boje koje osjećate, a ponekad su to lažne boje. Ali uvijek mora pokazati jednu emociju.“)
― Pedro Almodovar
“I think decor says a lot about someone's social position, their taste, their sensibility, their work - and also about the aesthetic way I have chosen to tell their story.”
(„Mislim da dekor govori mnogo o nečijem društvenom položaju, njegovom ukusu, osjetljivosti, radu - kao i o estetskom putu koji sam odabrao da ispričam njihovu priču.“)
― Pedro Almodovar